This page is to support uploading of student school records in our New Student Application Support Guide: Test Scores, Report Cards, Attendance. All materials need to be in by Apr 9.
Section 5 SUbmission:
Whether you are a family member submitting supporting documents or a school representative, please make sure the following documents are uploaded to complete a student application.
The New Student Application documents needed are:
Report card to date
Documentation that shows attendance record for the school year
Most recent state standardized test scores (ELA and MA) [i.e., MAP, NWEA, TerraNova, etc.]
Option 1: For student families who do NOT have access to school records online: Follow these instructions to obtain and upload these documents:
Download the Release of Records PDF.
Fill out the Release of Records PDF.
Share the Release of Records PDF with your student’s school administrative office. The staff at the school will help you gather the documents you will need.
Upload all of these documents below.
Option 2: For student families who DO have access to school records online: Gather the following information from PowerSchool (or similar platform). You can save documents as PDFs or JPGs with student name.
Report card to date
Documentation that shows attendance record for school year
Most recent standardized test scores (ELA and MA) [i.e., MAP, NWEA, Terra Nova]
If you need assistance with PowerSchool you can visit the CPS website or call the CPS Help Desk at 363-0390, from 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, during days when school is in session.
Gathering documents in PowerSchool:
Log in to PowerSchool to view your student’s Grades and Attendance.
For the Report card and Attendance record:
In the Navigation Sidebar on the left hand side of the screen:
Select Grades and Attendance.
Choose the Printer Icon on the top Right to print or create a PDF of the current Report Card and Attendance Record.
For the test scores:
In the Navigation Sidebar on the left hand side of the screen:
Select Test Scores.
Select two of the most recent test scores: ELA or MA.
Choose the Printer Icon on the top Right to print of create a PDF of each of the Standardized Test Score results.
2. Save all documents with student name and upload above in New Student Document Upload Button.
SECTION 6: TEACHER Recommendations
Instructions for Families: Select a Math or ELA teacher who you think will provide an accurate description of your student and who will share the story of how Breakthrough could be instrumental in your student’s success. Share their email in the online student application. Breakthrough will contact them directly to request their recommendation.
Instructions for Teachers:
You will receive an email in your inbox to fill out a recommendation once students and families submit their application.
Teacher recommendations are due before Apr 9.
Didn’t get the email? Contact Share the student’s name and teacher recommender.
For more information regarding our program or further support:
Call the BTC staff at (513)815-6862 or email